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Weather station equipment
Welcome to Weather-Above
Software suppliers
Weather Display is the software to get the most from your weather station. Not only does it support a huge range of stations from all the major manufacturers but it's also stacked with features and options

WXSIM is a very unique software package - over 25 years in the making - for modeling, forecasting, or simply studying weather. It is perhaps best described as an "interactive local atmospheric model". You initialize it with current data, some optionally downloaded from the internet, and then "turn it loose" to model the weather for the next few days, but with the option to interact with the program and mix in some of your own forecasting skill and knowledge.

Whether- above windspeed is coming from a vortex sensor the wind direction is the new electronic E-vain which is connected to a 1 wire Interface Module

WXSIM professional

(including WXSIMATE 9.0, WRET,
WXSIM-Lite 2.7, and AutoLearn-WX 3.9.4
Euromix 1.1
Station CW5841 is using Meteotemplate
website template for displaying  information from
personal weather stations